A community for those of you whose educational curiosity has no boundaries.
Picnotes combines the appeal of a picture sharing platform to an educational website.
The greatest sense of personal fulfillment comes from ongoing learning.
Somewhere, out there, there's someone who doesn’t know what you know. We believe that education is the ultimate way to connect with people.
Share an educational topic by combining an image to short notes. Provide resources such as articles, videos, and book recommendations. Any resources that you provide, will further other users' understanding about a topic.
Ongoing learning allows you to foster a positive attitude, confidence, and personal growth. However, more than anything, it simply provides tremendous pleasure.
Start sharingYour dashboard makes it easy to keep track of popular Picnotes. You can save the topics that you love and organize them into different folders.
The fluidity of the platform enables you to read one topic after another. If you're looking for something specific narrow your search with #tags.
Follow people and interact with them. You'll discover who they are and what they're passionate about simply by reading their Picnotes.
Connect with people who view conscious learning as a lifestyle. You will encounter like-minded individuals who like you love to organize their interests and learning goals.